Thursday, July 29, 2010

DT5 - Powerpoint Presentations...

Powerpoint presentations set up:

Powerpoint is a commonly used and effective tool. It can be used by LMs to offer students a precursor into the main areas of the topic before it is discussed, it can then be used by the LM as a presentation to showcase the highlighted points with the intension of adding elaborations, discussions and reflections as appropriate and then it is there as reminder for students as to the main points for future reference. It is currently being superseded by other more up-to-date, interactive and stimulating ICT tools but, like the pen and paper, still have a supporting role to play in learning.

DT4 - Websites....WEEBLY....

Setting up a website...
Through using the Weebly website (Weebly, 2010), I am now starting to create a website:

Weebly is an easy to use tool designed to allow learners a user friendly access to website creation.

DT3 - Wikis...

'Wiki is a piece of server software that allows users to freely create and edit Web page content using any Web browser.' (What is Wiki, 2010). The Wiki concept is built on 'open editing' and allows all users to create, organise, reorganise, make contributions to, edit and change any page within a Wiki Website.

The advantage to 'Wiki' include the user's capacity to participate in the content of a web page, encouraging '...democratic use of the Web and (it ) promotes content composition by non-tectonical users.' (What is Wiki, 2010).
The disadvantage to Wiki is that, with its capacity to be changed at any time by any user, its information can be unreliable.

A good explanation of the Wiki can be found on:

The Wiki I am using to explore Wikis is:

Also, '50 ways to use a Wiki' is a helpful Website.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Framework and tool sum up and justification.

Having looked at the various tools and frameworks, my preferred framework is the Kearley and Schneiderman Learning Engagement Theory Framework which simply encourages learning through linking the concepts of RELATE, CREATE and DONATE.
Because this framework is simply stated, it allows for a very simple mind map.
By using this basic framework, it allows learners to focus more on the problem at hand and less on the unnecessary aspects of process.
The image above is a Text2 mind map of this frame work.

Learning engagement theory

The Learning engagement theory espoused by Kearsley and Shneiderman (1998) is built on the premise that for students to be engaged with their learning, they must RELATE, CREATE and DONATE. By relate, they mean the students must relate to and authentic, real world problem or task that needs to be solved. Create means they create a solution to the problem and donate means the solution can be used in a real world setting to solve the problem.

In their article 'Engagement Theory: A framework for technology-based teaching and learning', they expand the RELATE component to include collaboration by learners with other learners as integral.

This framework is simply stated and plots a clear way forward for learners, providing motivation through the application of real world situations.

DT6 - Prezi...

Prezi ( )is an ICT presentation tool, an example of which can be seen on moodle presenting the Tpack frame work. It is a tool that allows for the inclusion of much detail, in both words and images, and an ability to link concepts.

The presentation of the tool is hard on the eyes as it zooms in and out of each concept. It is a presentation form that may suit some learners, perhaps with oral presentations.


Tpack, or technological pedagogical and content knowledge, is a framework that articulates through images an acknowledgement of content being supported by pedagogy and technology in its delivery to the learner. This frame work refers specifically to the use of ICTs in learning, considering it as an equal partner in the exercise. It encourages the selection of the most appropriate and relevant forms of ICT to support the pedagogical aspects and content of a specific learning area to maximise learning opportunities for the learner.

Tpack present as a framework that is not so much a framework but an exercise in stating the obvious.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Big 6 Mind Map

The image on this page is a Text2 mind map of the Big 6.
The Big 6 was developed by Mike Eisenberg and Bob Berkowitz and is the most widely used framework, employed from K-12 in school throughout the world.
It is a detailed framework that works through 6 stages containing 2 substages.
By following this framework, students are encouraged to 'work smarter not faster' (Big 6 website, 2010).
According to the authors, studies conducted have concluded that, consciously or otherwise, people of all ages solve problems and make decisions by following each stage and substage of the Big 6 framework.
By spelling out the process, learners and learning managers have a format to which they can refer when seeking clarification.
The Big 6 can be used as a check list to plot the course of action for a problem solving task.

Memletic Learning Styles Graph

The image on this page is a Memletic Learning Styles Graph displaying the results of my online survey. These results fall into line with my prediction of my preferred learning styles, being based largely verbal, aural and solitary sectors. Although the memletics test is considered to be a general guide to finding one's preferred learning styles, it appears to be accurate in this instance.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

DT2 - Text2 Mind Map

The image on this page is an example of the Text2 mind map. Personally, I like this tool but I can see it may be harder to navigate for younger learners. It is neater and more ordered in presentation than the mind map, but the adding and linking of new concepts is definitely more fiddly and less user friendly.

DT2 - Mind Map

The image on this page is an example of a mind map created on the website. This appears to be a useful tool and one that can be easily accessed by learners. By clicking on the bubble, a concept can be added and a new concept linked. For younger learners, this would be a better option than the Text 2 mind map.
Mind maps help learners to organise their information when researching. By putting down the main points from a piece a research, the learner is more likely to write their assignment in their own words, rather than copying directly from the source.


50 ways to use a wiki, (2010), Retrieved on 30July, 2010 from:

Big 6 website, (2010(, Retrieved on 26 July, 2010 from: website, (2010), Retrieved on 25 July, 2010 from:

Kearsley, G. & Schneiderman, B. (2010), Retrieved on 25 July, 2010 from:

Koehler, M. & Myshra, P. (2010), Retrieved on26 July,2010 from:

Memletics website, (2010), Retrieved on 25 July, 2010 from:

Prezi website, (2010), Retrieved on 26 July, 2010 from:

Richardson, W. (2004), Blogging and RSS - The 'What is it' and 'How to' of Powerful new webtools for educators, Information Today,

Text2 mind map website, (2010), Retrieved on 25 July, 2010 from:

Weebly website, (2010), Retrieved on 30 July, 2010 from:

What is Wiki website, (2010), Retrieved on 30 July, 2010 from:

DT2 - Starting to learn...

Having checked out the moodle site, a picture is now forming...

The 'blog' is one of three 'read-write' tools that form what's known as Web 2.0. - the other two being the 'wiki' and the 'forum'. Web 2.0 is owned by the individual, who can publish, share network, download and upload a variety text types - including audio, images, video etc - to create user generated content.

The major strength of the blog is that it facilitates collaboration. The blogger can publish content and followers of the blog can comment.

In a learning setting, blogs allow learners to participate when ever they log in. Everything added to the blog can be saved and accessed at any time, with all entries tracable and trackable.

According to Richardson, "More and more teachers and schools are starting to experiment as a way to communicate with students and parents." And that blogs are used to: "archive and publish student work, learn with far-flung collaborators and 'manage' the knowledge that members of the school community create." (Richardson, 2004).

DT1 - Functionality of the "blog"

Better late than never...
Blogs are a mystery to me so this course can but only succeed in teaching me something.
What I have learned thus far is:
a blog is a website that can be added to by the blogger and commented on by those who follow it. Also it can be used as a tool in education. I am looking forward to the course and learning more about blogs and their uses.

Thursday, July 15, 2010