Thursday, July 22, 2010

DT2 - Starting to learn...

Having checked out the moodle site, a picture is now forming...

The 'blog' is one of three 'read-write' tools that form what's known as Web 2.0. - the other two being the 'wiki' and the 'forum'. Web 2.0 is owned by the individual, who can publish, share network, download and upload a variety text types - including audio, images, video etc - to create user generated content.

The major strength of the blog is that it facilitates collaboration. The blogger can publish content and followers of the blog can comment.

In a learning setting, blogs allow learners to participate when ever they log in. Everything added to the blog can be saved and accessed at any time, with all entries tracable and trackable.

According to Richardson, "More and more teachers and schools are starting to experiment as a way to communicate with students and parents." And that blogs are used to: "archive and publish student work, learn with far-flung collaborators and 'manage' the knowledge that members of the school community create." (Richardson, 2004).

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