Thursday, July 29, 2010

DT3 - Wikis...

'Wiki is a piece of server software that allows users to freely create and edit Web page content using any Web browser.' (What is Wiki, 2010). The Wiki concept is built on 'open editing' and allows all users to create, organise, reorganise, make contributions to, edit and change any page within a Wiki Website.

The advantage to 'Wiki' include the user's capacity to participate in the content of a web page, encouraging '...democratic use of the Web and (it ) promotes content composition by non-tectonical users.' (What is Wiki, 2010).
The disadvantage to Wiki is that, with its capacity to be changed at any time by any user, its information can be unreliable.

A good explanation of the Wiki can be found on:

The Wiki I am using to explore Wikis is:

Also, '50 ways to use a Wiki' is a helpful Website.

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