Saturday, July 24, 2010

Big 6 Mind Map

The image on this page is a Text2 mind map of the Big 6.
The Big 6 was developed by Mike Eisenberg and Bob Berkowitz and is the most widely used framework, employed from K-12 in school throughout the world.
It is a detailed framework that works through 6 stages containing 2 substages.
By following this framework, students are encouraged to 'work smarter not faster' (Big 6 website, 2010).
According to the authors, studies conducted have concluded that, consciously or otherwise, people of all ages solve problems and make decisions by following each stage and substage of the Big 6 framework.
By spelling out the process, learners and learning managers have a format to which they can refer when seeking clarification.
The Big 6 can be used as a check list to plot the course of action for a problem solving task.

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